Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hi everyone!
Sorry it's been a while since i have blogged, life has just been really busy lately! So I loved the snow sunday! I was determined to go out and play in it, but we were at church and I was wearing the farthest thing from snow clothes! lol! Well after I stood at the door for a minute watching everybody else throwing snowballs at everybody I finally decided that I was gunna go! Needless to say, it was tons of fun until......Landon screamed "everybody get Jasmine!" and we just happened to be playing with all the little they got me.... I walked in the church building with wet hair and mascara running down my face! BAHAHAH..... it was so fun! Jared decked me in the forehead too! THANKS JARED! lol!
Today I am going to meet with my lawyer to sign papers and talk about my car situation! So maybe, just maybe I will get good news! Today at 2:30! TTFN!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Pageant Pictures!

The Pageant went very well Friday night, Rachel and I both got in top 10! I had a lot of fun doing this pageant and it really made me want to do more but, no time for any more for a, school school. lol. Thanks everyone for coming to the pageant! I love you all! Well I woke up this morning not feeling well at all..... the dreaded stomach thing I think... I feel your pain Addi, Lila, Levi. But maybe i'll be better by tomorrow...... =/

But anyway here are some pics i promised....

Addi and I (she didn't feel that well)

Alex and me

Zac and I...I asked him to dress up.. so he is looking spiffy...

I got my favorite #5! lol

He was trying to tell me to hurry up and change so we could go eat! lol

Rachel and me

Rae and me

Before the pageant in my sportswear...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

vday pix!

My beautiful Red Tulips that zac gave me and my gifts!!!

All of zacs gifts!!!

The cookie cake! What do ya think???

Monday, February 16, 2009

Busy Bee!!!

Hello everyone,
Have you ever had one of those weeks that when monday comes you dread the rest of the week bc you know its gunna be sooo... incredibly busy?? Well today is that kinda day for's Monday and just thinking about this week hurts my brain and exhausts my body! lol! I have so much to do before the pageant, and with school this week: 1) Today is one of the calmer days of this week I have a math test and workstudy and then I can go home!! 2) Tomorrow I have to go to class, go get my roots done before the pageant, work, and then after that i have to go pick up my dress for the pageant. 3)Wednesday I have to go to workstudy, then a psychology test, then math, then church and then, maybe the gym. 4)Thursday i have to get my nails done, go see jamie about a tan, work, and then go home and get ready for the pageant the next day. 5) Friday morning I have to be at Rehearsal at Bevill in jasper at 8:30am (grrr.... too early, i need my beauty rest.. lol) then i have to go to the shop and start preparing for the pageant!!! BTW the pageant is Friday the 20th at 6:30 or 7 i'll have to check on that and post it!
Well anywho, Valentines Day was great!!!!! I decided to make zac a cookie cake in the shape of a heart and decorate it with icing! It looked great, I was very surprised! He loved his vera bradley tie that i bought him for vday also and don't let me forget the candy and chocolate covered pretzels and peanut clusters! (i enjoyed them myself! lol) I'll load pics later! I got Beautiful red tulips and a ticket to eat anywhere i wanted to eat, an ipod car charger, rhinestone covered ipod cover, Houndstooth printed gloves, and candy!! I was very happy! Later that night we went to eat at the Bullpen in Oakman, after waiting abotu 45 minutes we finally got a table and ate! IT WAS AMAZING!!! I got a 10oz ribye and baked potato....scrumptcious!!! lol! Well TTFN!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Why don't ppl call??

Last week my psychology class was cancelled all week. No one called or informed the class that this was gunna happen. So I wasted gas driving up there twice last week for no class....UGHHHH! Well anywho, I get to psychology Monday and there was a kind of short man standing up in front of the class working on the computer. Shortly after I noticed him up there I asked a classmate who he was.....the classmate replied with "this is our new teacher, our other one quit". I was wondering why the lady quit, she was a good teacher. Well the short man got up and told us that he was our teacher and informed us that all of the stuff that the other teacher taught us, just forget about because we have to start from scratch! I didn't think that this was fair, am i wrong?? So yesterday I drove to school for biology class and I noticed that there weren't many cars there. So i go in and there is a sign on the door that says CLASS CANCELLED WILL BE BACK MONDAY!!! So needless to say I had to drive all the way back home! I was so mad! I think they should have some kind of way to get in touch with ppl that live 20 or 30 minutes away from school to inform them that no class was taking place today! Anywho, TTFN

Monday, February 9, 2009

sorry its been so long!!

Well I guess I'll start off saying how sorry I am for not blogging lately. I have been slacking! lol! With work (pharmacy), school, and work study life has been a blur here lately. I have been so busy with work and school I have hardly had time for anything. I am so glad when the weekends get here, bc after going to school in the work study in the mornings, school that afternoon, and work at nite(with lyn) I am just pooped at the end of the day!
Anywho, as many of you know my bday was Saturday! It was the best bday ever! The party at niki's west was awesome, seeing and spending time with friends and family is just amazing. Thank everyone who came it reallly meands so much to me I love you all very much, my life wouldn't be the same without ya'll! Saturday Zac and I got up and went to the shop so he could get a hair cut (he was way overdue) lol! We left there and went to hoover, we went to the mall, and ross, barnes and nobles, and then we went to eat at SUMO for supper, it was simply amazing. That food was so good, I was so full when I left there that i thought I was going to pop! then we went home and i got my presents from mom, dad and alex. They got me a new Vera Bradley purse, Vera Bradley duffle bag, a passport holder and luggage tag to match for my cruise, and a Grease barbie! I was so happy!!
In other news I am going to be in Bevill's pageant on Feb. 20th, tomorrow night we are going to see Betty Ponder to rent me a dress. I am so excited! Well, TTFN!